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“Imagination Station-ery”!

I’m excited to share that Summer Art Camp is in full swing at Discover Art Studio! The June boxes have shipped and lots of awesome artists are exploring the world of Pop Art. I’m already receiving project pictures and everyone looks like they’re having a great time! The Summer Art Camp Box for July is ready to go and I think it’s going to be lots of fun. I’m calling it “Imagination Station-ery” and we’ll be making our own sketchbooks, journals, notecards and more!  This box is full of everything your young artist needs to create colorful and unique handmade books with plenty of pens, pencils and paints to fill them up. These colorful, fun projects leave lots of room for individual creativity and my video teachings will lead kids through the steps at their own pace. I’m putting lots of quality supplies in these boxes for our awesome artists and adding a few surprises as well. Click here to order. I hope you and the special young artists in your life will join me for this creative summer adventure and stay tuned for a sneak peak into August’s Summer Art Camp Box.

Talk soon!